
Day 1: What it’s like to be lost

One of my earliest memories is of being lost in a store. I can’t tell you how old I was or which establishment I found myself temporarily stranded in, because I have no recollection of either detail. I just remember I was with my mother,…

What Makes Ghanaians Such Abysmal Activists?

When it comes to social change in Ghana, Ghanaians obey a strict set of rules and rarely deviate from the following process: Express shock and outrage about a particular event Talk about it on radio/Facebook/What’sApp/Twitter Deride anyone with an opposing opinion Wait for the next…

Year End Review – My last post for 2014

The woman who threads my eyebrows is from Iran. Last year, she told me that 2013 was going to be a “very bad year”. Numerology dictated that it would. She didn’t offer any predictions for 2014 and I’m not due to get a threading until…

Repatriation: Is Going Back to Africa the Solution?

GO BACK TO AFRICA!!!! This is something red-faced bigots used to scream (now they can conveniently type it on a keypad) whenever a person of color has the audacity to point out/complain about/ponder over America’s dismal race record and erratic application of justice. "Hey darkie!…

Women Who Defend Misogyny. Ewww.

Warning: Rant I have been advised in the past to carefully consider the things I say and to determine whether they are necessary. I sat on this for three days and have concluded it needed to be said. Let me lead with this: Some of…

Lift Every Voice and Sing

Part of my hybrid upbringing was learning the "Black National Anthem". As a child, I hated this separatist idea - that there were two Americas - that I was being indoctrinated with, but I dutifully learned the first stanza of the song as required and…

Does Lauryn Hill Know How Much She’s Needed?

I woke up with this burden for Lauryn Hill this morning.There are many reasons we need Lauryn Hill, the most pressing of which is because people are still surprised when I open my mouth and speak both eloquently and intelligently.How can I blame them when…