Say what??

Am I over the Hill?

I got back to Atlanta two weeks ago, turned on the TV, and was confronted with a horrible reality: Comcast had changed our service. Many of my beloved channels are GONE. You know, when they took away G4 a year ago, they took with it…

This is Ghana: Get your mind right

This Tuesday I leave for de mudda lan' - Ghana. I haven't packed a stitch of clothing as of this morning. It really doesn't matter, because 40% of what I enter the country with will be confiscated anyway. I love my people, God knows I…

A FOKN Fine Evening

Gawd I'm such a groupie. That very fine dark cho-co-late man is M3nsa, the other half of the duo Fokn Boys. He traveled aaallll the way from Spain to give us a screening of the film Coz of Moni, a Ghanaian musical done entirely in…

A Week From Hell

And I mean that literally. I'm one of those Christians who doesn't pay too much attention to the devil. The devil is going to do what he's going to do, after all. There are some folks who think that every cold and headache are agents…

Suppressing Stinkmeaner

Watch this video [youtube=] That, ladies and gentlemen, was the spirit of Stinkmeaner...a crazy (dead) Black man who took over the body of Uncle Tom in an epic episode of Boondocks - But what episode of Boondocks is NOT epic? Back to the point. We've…

A Hot Hispanic Mess

OMG. I saw this Hispanic couple sucking face so hard in the CHILDREN'S SECTION of Old Navy I thought the dude was going to impregnate her through her esophagus! That was my status on Facebook yesterday. Some of my friends "Liked" it. Some had humorous…

Retta is Rockin' My Rold (World)

(Because Asians can't pronounce "world" properly) My new bloggie buddy is a gal that goes by the moniker RRR/RunRettaRun. You may have heard me rave about her blog on WP, where she shares get in shape and healthy recipe tips. Retta and I have forged…

Sir? May I Lend You My Balls?

About 2 weeks ago, Chris Brown was scheduled to have a concert in the UK and was denied a visa entry into the country. He immediately got on Twitter and lamented over his professional woes by saying no one would give him a second chance,…

Caught in the Oprah Effect

Man. That daggone Oprah. There I was, Monday afternoon minding my own business watching the Oprah show. It's one of the few pleasures I have every blessed day. Monday's episode was all about Harpo Hook Ups, where the Harpo team goes out and makes dreams…