Something happened to me at work this wee that I thought would be best re-told in rhyme. *Sigh*. Here goes….
I work part time at a retail store
Because I love shoes and things covered in rhinestone
It’s also so that I can get discounts
On several other accessories I hope to later flaunt
And I have never seen a maxi pad in a shoe box
I’ve seen many things while at my post
People of different races stealing things, probably most
Or is it one particular group who delights in leaving items strewn on the floor?
Ugh, those are the days at work I most abhor
Yet I have never seen a maxi pad in a shoe box
I’ve seen grown men spit into our plastic bins in the aisles
I’ve watched pregnant women hurl their bile
I’ve looked on while little Frankie runs roughshod all over the store
While his mother stares at him blankly with eyes that say “I can’t take this anymore!”
Yet I have never seen a maxi pad in a shoe box
I’ve seen shady customers try to purchase items with fake checks
Then storm off when the transaction fails screaming:
“You’re gonna hear from my lawyer, you bet!”
A quivering sales associate stands at the till in fear
Wondering if the threat means that the end of her employment is near
Yet I have never seen a maxi pad in a shoe box
There are days when retail work can tire you to the bone
When your feet are so sore that you cry on the way home
When your back turns to jelly and your knees turn to jam
You want to quit but can’t, because your colleagues have become your fam
And also because you’ve never seen a maxi pad in a shoe box
Until tonight…
What manner of zoo animal came into your store
Who would think it fit to remove a sanitary napkin from her drawers
And place the vaginal scented item in a box of Michael Kors’
When the distance measured to the toilet in feet was no further than four?
Why am I looking at this maxi pad in a shoe box???
Who does this…and why?
Was it for the sole purpose of making me cry?
I swear, I only work here to get by
Not because I have aspirations of becoming a socialite…
Father in Heaven… I mean. It’s a maxi pad. In a shoe box!
Perhaps you’re wondering if it was bloody
Or tinged in a color that made it appear muddy
Your imagination conjures up visions of things nasty
Even the previous owner, for she surely must be trashy
To do something as vile as leave a maxi pad in a shoe box
And so my friends, I must end this little rhyme
And hope when I go to work next, it will be not to speak of a time
When I perchance wandered down the meandering store aisles
And felt my heart quicken at so tawdry a sight
As a maxi pad in a shoe box.