Hello and greetings. Welcome to my new project!
The Western Cape of South Africa boasts some of the most beautiful landscapes on the planet. From azure blue ocean waters to mountains that rise suddenly from the planes like plumes hewn from ancient rock, there is a seemingly endless stream of visual delights for the eye. I’ve tried on many occasions to capture this breathtaking beauty in words (and this is no exaggeration, I’ve found myself gasping at some of the sights), but neither my keyboard nor my iPhone have proven worthy of the task.
This year – after dropping a series of hints that included putting my husband in the car, driving to Kloppers and declaring, “I want a camera!” – I was gifted a camera for my birthday.
It was totally unexpected. How did my husband know exactly what to get me? I know. I’m as shocked as you are.
Anyways, like many people my age, I’m interested in discovering what I can learn for my own pleasure now that I’ve fulfilled the majority of my social and cultural obligations. I’ve decided I want to learn photography in order to capture some of my favorite images from around the country. I’ve only been on one shoot, and I can tell you it’s no easy feat! Photographers earn every farthing they charge. Early lessons include:
1. Wipe your lens before shooting
2. Eat a healthy breakfast before heading out
3. Have change for the car park attendants
4. Lotion your knees in case you want to do a self portrait on site.
This week I went to Victoria Bay, (re)named for the reigning English monarch at the time. The land on the cove has been in the hands of a small group of families for generations and although there are guest accommodations, the properties rarely (if ever) go up for sale. There are many such exclusive properties all around the country; but that’s a discussion for another time.
As this is my first attempt at photo journaling, I’m really excited about being able to document my work and seeing my (hopeful!) progress over the course of the year. I’m also excited to show you all the wonderful little hoeks and corners in the slice of heaven I’m fortunate to call home.
Without further ado, I present you with my first Foto Essay Friday subject: Victoria Bay!

A special word of thanks to the folks who took a moment out of their day to talk to the crazy lady with the camera and agreed to be subjects for this project!
*Pictures are not copyrighted, but it’d be nice if you would credit me as the source in the event that you decide to jack them.