Month: January 2011


Pump Up the Jam!

Three days ago someone posted the Pump up the Jam on Facebook. I immediately ‘stole’ it and posted it on my Wall. Do you remember Pump up the Jam? If you don’t (and if you ever heard it, how could you possibly forget it?), here’s…

When Butterflies Become Moths

  I was at work this weekend when a customer and her daughter approached my counter. Her teenaged daughter was talking to her dad and handed her the phone. “Okay. Okaaay!” she said with some aggravation. “We’ll be done soon. I’m checking out now.” She…

It's a Daisy Eat Daisy World

About a month ago, my daughter joined the ubiquitous Girl Scouts organization as a Daisy. I've always wanted to be a scout. I was a Girl Guide in Junior Secondary School (JSS), but that's analogous to comparing the Beatles to Corky and the Juice Pigs [youtube=]. Same genre,…
Say what??

Oh La La, That Woman is GAGA!

I have openly admitted that I’ve lost a fair amount of ‘cool’ since I became a mom. I think the last time I was considered hip and up to date on anything was in 2006, when my second daughter was born. That being said, I…

What Makes a Husband?

Or for that matter, what makes a wife?  The question of what makes a ‘good spouse’ is really one I’d like some input on from you guys. I have spent some time talking to newlywed wives (and not so newlyweds) who appear to be in…
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