
Me, God and the Lottery

   I KCQWYT!!! Can you decode the above statement? I bet you can’t! Never fear, I shall explain it to you. After much reflection, I have finally come to understand why God has NOT allowed me to hit the lottery the few times in my…

Stupid Office Acronyms

Stop whatever it is you’re doing…right now! If you work in an office, strain your ears and listen closely. Someone is using, or about to use, an office acronym right now. And don’t they sound retarded. (That’s a statement, not a question.) We used to…

Prince: Sojourn to the Sublime

Getting there: You leave Atlanta on I-20, merge onto I-95N, pass some cotton fields, take a deep breath and inhale a few lung fulls of horse manure and cow dung, blink and then you’re in Fayetteville. It’s a small military town with lush hills and…

I-don’t-care-ism: My New Phase

*For Mia I’m going through a metamorphosis right now that is surprising to those who know me best. I really don’t care about a lot of things that would typically drive me mad. I attribute it to turning 30-something, although it could just have more…

Universal African Expressions

Jewelry by Auntie Rose Marie, Mother of Nana Darkoa, Owner of MAKSI Clothing, Accra Ghana I’m always pretty pissed off when Westerners put Africans in one big box labeled “African”. The notion that we are a ubiquitous people with a homogenous culture and language (i.e.…

The Modern Church SUCKS

*And by this I don’t mean MY church. My church ain’t half bad (although it could stand to do a lot better) – I mean Christianity as an entity* This weekend I had the rare opportunity to sit down and watch TV between dashing out…

A Walk in Her Shoes

I always try to keep my Friday posts happy and light hearted, but this has been a tough week for a number of women in my circle. This week, I’ve been on the listening end of some real big girl issues, and in being a…

The Manifestation of my Worst Fear

People screw up and screw around: it’s a fact. Sometimes the consequence of that screwing is a baby. Some people consciously make the opportunity to screw up with as many other people as they can. Oh let me stop talking in circles. People need to…

Black on African Crime

Did you see this video last week? This is Nadin Khoury, a 13 year old boy who lives in Upper Darby, PA. He was beaten up by a pack of bullies. After I watched this video, I did some searching on the history precipitating…