Say what??

That Gullible Guy George

I used to go to school with this chap called George, one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, I swear. I met George during our freshman year at Hampton University. He was one of 5 other Ghanaians who had matriculated that year and…

Kindergarten Registration Fail

I'm one of those people who likes controlled spontaneity. However, when it comes to my children, I like to have a concrete course of action regarding their rearing. This is why I called the GA Department of Education last year to find out what elementary…

United Airlines goes to GH!

Oh my gosh. I was so giddy when I heard the news that a new airline would be offering service to Ghana. 6 or so years ago, when Delta began offering direct flights from NY to Accra, it was a huge deal. No longer would…

Unwelcome at Esani

Two days ago I took my girls to the Esani Institute to get their hair washed, blow dried and ironed. My girls are Black...most of the students who work/study at Esani are not. But what do I care? From what I understand, they have all…

What a Steppin' Conundrum!

This week, the internet and the airwaves are abuzz with angry Black folk over the issue of Zeta Tau Alpha and their victory at the Sprite Step Off. Some folks are angry because a white sorority won. Others are angry because they feel Black folk…

What Would White People Say?

Sometime last week I let my mind wander from the needs of the day and asked myself "Self? What do White people say in their private moments when none of the Us's is around?" "I dunno," said Self. "Maybe we should ask 'em." I contemplated…

Is China Pissin' on U.S.?

This morning I woke up and read the news like usual. Suddenly, I caught a by-line that had me doing a double-take "China warns US against meeting Dalai Lama". The meeting could cause "serious damage to Sino - US relations" a Communist official warned; and…

So I saw Avatar…

...and I didn't really like it! (Wait while I duck from the stones and boulders that will be hurled at me shortly.) Sure, Avatar was a cinematic triumph featuring 3D technology, special effects and amazing color infusion, but I don't watch movies for the technology.…

It's GREAT to be White in the USA

Man. I've always known you had a good thing going if you were born White in America. For a while, it was good to be born anything but Black in America...However thanks to 9/11, Arabs and Muslims have taken our place as the lepers of…

Shame on the Ghana Consulate in DC

When Sean Goldman's father was in the midst of a 5 year international custody battle with his Brazillian ex-wife, his NJ rep stepped in and threatened a multi-million trade embargo with the country. When Laura Ling and Euna Lee were detained in North Korea, Bill…